Monday, September 11, 2006

New morning invention

It’s not easy to have my regular morning prayers in a bedroom with a 4 ft. television unit staring at me (Ali bought the thing some time ago and it needs a part replacement to get it working) and no significant window view, so I’ve been travelling over to the Ft. Lauderdale beach for dawn prayers lately.

In spite of the travel expense (20 minutes by car each way from the house), I’ve been making this a routine.

I get there every morning early and, aside from a soul or two sleeping on the sand from the night before, am pretty much alone at that hour to have some nice time for prayers while watching the sunrise.

There are always a few freighters anchored off the coast here and sometimes a passing sailboat on the horizon. Here’s one such shot:

I found a beach chair and can sit there quietly as long as I like. Then I take off down the beach, barefoot.

I’m also thinking how healing this is for my feet, body and spirit. Abdul’-Baha mentioned that there is a magnetism, or electronic field, given off by the waves on the shore which is great for one’s health.

I walk a ways up the beach and when I return my footprints are all washed away by the incoming tide.

It’s neat to watch the sea birds skimming just a wingtip away from the surface, and the little Sand Pipers skittering along on blurry-fast feet just ahead of me…then a little letdown when I see a plastic bottle or cap mixed in with the seaweed on the sand…

There are a few people arriving for early morning swims or jogs or just walking like me, but they come after the sun starts up, just about when I’m ready to go home.

One fellow is there pretty early to search with a metal detector for any lost valuables. He’ll listen in the headphones as he walks along, sweeping the sand, then stop and jamb his scoop in and sift through it for some little item. I’d like to ask if he’s ever found anything significant…

This makes me think of how some are looking down for treasures while others are looking up.

Then, as I leave the beach, there is a couple on Harleys, pulling away from the curb--his and her's:


At 9:49 AM, Blogger Sasha McKinney said...

I loved this post, Dad. It made me feel happy and peaceful.
I read the post about your PSA. James and I are saying prayers for you. How do you feel?

I love you.


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