Friday, December 22, 2006

Tiquicia Restaurant

Last night was effectively the last evening we had to go out on the town with David and Gianni while the Pyburns are here. They leave tomorrow! So we decided on the restaurant overlooking a spectacular Meseta Central area. "Tiquicia"(meaning the essence of "Tico", or Costa Rican) life. Indeed it was. The typical food was the best, plus they included an evening of folk dancers as well. Here's the gang at our table. (Julie and I were commenting that this past two weeks we've gone to more restaurants than in all our years here!)

As always, Sasha was the center of attraction. She's so smart! Aria askes, "where's the cow", and Sasha points to it and goes "Mooo"! (She's only ONE, remember!)
Then Aria says, "show us the pensive baby", and Sasha puts her hand to her chin! She's truly astonishing!Here are some of the Tico dancers who did a few numbers for us after dinner:
Then the dancers rounded up some visitors to hit the floor. Here's cooperative Gianni with a very young fellow:
All the while Gramma is checking out the scenes with Sasha in arms...


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