Sunday, October 15, 2006

More on Ruben Dario and Jenny Rodriquez' house

Here's an update on the previous post where I mentioned our neighbor's house which had been photographed for a fancy magazine. This is a shot of Ruben on his front porch. One of the white doggies on the walkway was rescued by him from a raging fire next door some months ago. Ruben ran into the scorching hot area where the dog was tied up and received some serious burns on his left arm, which has some permanent scars, and his face, which has healed up well.

The design of the house includes a passageway between the the living and sleeping area which they have made like a bridge with windows. You can see the view of the valley below through them. Our house is much further down the mountain, but you can get an idea of our surroundings.
Here's Jenny with Julie in one of the downstairs bedrooms.Another bedroom downstairs. Jenny wants to rent this, and another similar one, out as a "bed and breakfast" facility.
Ruben, (a painter--see one of his works on the wall) is offering everybody some delicious pineapple. We are becoming quite fond of these recently new neighbors. They still don't have a public electric supply yet, but Jenny was telling one of her B&B visitors that it will be arriving soon and the visitor said that she preferred not having it! What a tranquil atmosphere!


At 12:16 PM, Blogger Sofia said...

What an amazing home!!!


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